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China has released RoHS standard
On February 28, 2006, "Electronic Information Products Pollution Control
Management Measures" (China ROHS), formally issured. And On March 1,
2007 went into effect. "Management Measures" clearly set out in the
electronic information products "restrictions on the use of lead、mercury、
cadmium、hexavalent chromium and polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) 、
multi-bromo diphenyl ether (PBDE) 、the six toxic and harmful substances."
In the Chinese version of RoHS restrictions on the use of the material is the
same: lead、cadmium、6 trivalent chromium、mercury、PBB PBB、multi-oxide
PBDE this six kinds of material. The scopes of its restrictions were: content of
Lead、6 trivalent chromium、mercury、PBBs、multi-oxide should not greater
than 1000 ppm, content of cadmium should not greater than 100 ppm.
Compared to the EU RoHS, China RoHS has two characteristics: 1, the stated
signs are need to use, which show the products whether contain the six kinds
of material restricted using. In the early stage of implementation, products not
meet China RoHS laws are allowed to sale, with the stated signs. 2, the
detection methods are clearly defined.The Chinese version of RoHS is taken
into effect in two stages. The first phase, from March 2007,the signs will be
 post in the product, suggest the product contains the six kinds of material
restricted using or not. The second phase, implementation time is undetermined,
the mature product will take the CCC certification (including RoHS detection). The
product did not pass the certification shall not be saled in domestic.


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